Fans never got over Robert Pattinson's split from Kristen Stewart. So anybody he took up with was going to have a tough time. Then in August of 2014 stories of a budding romance between the Twilight star and quirky singer FKA Twigs began circulating. Some applauded. Others were worried.
First of all, the romance seemed to move at breakneck speed. Pattinson's friends and family were concerned. By December of 2014, he reportedly had bought her a ring. Oh dear his fans said and began attacking Twigs online.
But the couple seemed to thrive until the summer of 2017 when cheating rumors emerged. A few months later, it was all over. Some were delighted. Others threw their hands up in despair.
It was, in some ways, a strange pairing. But when it was good, it was very, very good. And then things turned sour. Here come 15 things we know about the relationship between R-Patz and FKA Twigs.
15 Sienna Miller Introduced Them
Sienna Miller and Robert Pattinson have been friends (and friends with benefits?) for ages. Sienna had a feeling R-Patz might go for the quirky FKA Twigs. So she took the plunge and introduced them. Little did she know what she had started. It was like a whirlwind from day one.
14 August 2014: First Official Sighting
Early on in their relationship, Pattinson and FKA Twigs were first spotted together in New York City. It was August of 2014 and already the two were acting like a couple. There was just this easy rapport between the two. It was a million miles away from Kristen Stewart. They actually smiled at one another!
13 They Moved Ahead Really, Really Fast
By September they were holding hands on Venice Beach in California. A few months later he showed up at one of her concerts with flowers. They were clearly besotted. Things were moving so fast that the media was in a frenzy. That's when the love birds tried to keep things private. Tried being the operative word.
12 Rob's Friends Warned Him To Slow Down
R-Patz had friends who knew him well. They knew that he tended to go overboard and overdo things when he first got into a relationship. They took one look at the way things were going with FKA Twigs and they told him to slow down. Hey, they said, you might just be scaring the poor girl off with this whirlwind romance. There was even talk of an elopement!
11 December 2014 - That Ring
Did he take his friends' good advice? No way, said Robert Pattinson. There was no elopement, but by December there was a ring. Was it just a promise ring as Pattinson said. Or was it a full-blown engagement ring. They kept the whole thing private and didn't show the ring off for a while. But things were moving forward. She even met his family.
10 Great Chemistry With A Bit Of Goofiness
The thing was that they just seemed to have such a good time together. They smiled and smiled and smiled. She beamed up at him and he beamed down at her. And they joke around. They both seemed really happy. Oh well, we hope they enjoyed it while it lasted. The road to romance was about to get a little bumpy for the happy couple.
9 T-Pain Spilled The Beans
It's April of 2015. Big mouthed rapper T-Pain spilled the beans and told Vulture that "ol' Patty and Twigs are engaged!" It came out in the magazine's April 1st edition. T-Pain must have gotten some grief because he then says it was all an April Fools' joke. Too late T-Pain. Just don't expect an invite to the wedding!
8 Racist Attacks: Nastiness On Social Media
Apparently some of Pattinson's fans were not so pleased about the thing with FKA Twigs. Many wanted him to get back with Kristen Stewart. Like don't hold your breath on that one. Anyway, FKA was subjected to racist abuse and comments on social media. She pushed back hard. But the damage was done. Apparently, she was very, very upset.
7 His Family Didn't Like Her
When they first met her, Pattinson's family liked FKA Twigs. Not as much as they like Kristen Stewart, but they thought she was okay. Then they got a look at videos of her stage shows. Raunchy was the word used. They turned against her. They wanted R-Patz married but to a nice, traditional, conservative girl. So why did the like K-Stew?
6 His Friends: Gold Digger Warning
Later in 2015 the same friends who had warned Pattinson to slow down to avoid scaring FKA off were watching how things were going and began to suspect that she was just a gold digger. Rob seemed to be spending a lot of money on Twigs, from presents to expensive vacations. Watch out his friends said. Did he listen? No way.
5 Bought A House Together?
The rumor mills were swirling around the couple when a few gossip sites reported that they were buying a house together. The most that can be confirmed beyond any doubt was that in November of 2014 Pattinson plonked down more than $2 million for a house in the Hollywood Hills. By that time, he and Twigs were "cohabiting".
4 Those Rumors About R-Patz And Katy Perry
Fact: Katy Perry and Rober Pattinson are long-time friends. While he was with Twigs, did it slip over into "friends with benefits"? Some gossip sites said yes that it happened over the summer of 2017. Others said no. Just to clear the air, Perry, Pattinson, and Twigs were snapped having dinner together. Perry is the only one with a smile on her face.
3 Those Rumors About Twigs And The Male Model
At about the same time as gossip sites were linking Katy Perry and R-Patz, FKA Twigs was snapped snuggling, holding hand with, and generally enjoying the company of a dishy male model while on a vacay in Ibiza. Was this revenge for the Katy Perry thing or what? It was August of 2017 and things were definitely not looking good.
2 October 2017: R-Patz Calls It Quits
Between Katy Perry, male models, and relationship fatigue, it was clear by September of 2017 that the couple was headed for a split. Pattinson himself ended it in October of 2017. Reportedly that's when Twigs moved out of the house they shared. Some said she kept the ring, causing some to remain hopeful of a reconciliation.
1 Twigs "Unmeshes" And Feels More Alive
Celebrity is all about putting the right spin on bad news. And FKA Twigs' public take on the split was that she was "unmeshing" herself from Pattinson and feeling more alive, discovering who she really was. She was reportedly getting to know herself better after living in Pattinson's shadow. Well, that's better than ranting and raving and crying, isn't it?