Spanish tennis sensation Paula Badosa recently reacted cheekily to her boyfriend Juan Betancourt's gesture of affection.
The Spaniard has been in a relationship with Juan Betancourt since 2021. He is a well-known model and actor who was born in Cuba and has appeared in GQ Brazil, Elle Man Vietnam, and GQ Espana.
The couple has frequently updated fans on their whereabouts and declared their love for one another ever since they made their romance public.
Badosa made sure to do so once more as she posted a picture on her Instagram story of her beau carrying her on his back since she had been wearing heels for far too long and was in pain.
"When heels are too painful, SOS," Badosa wrote."It has been a year of many challenges, professionally and personally, without a doubt the year that I have had to learn the most" โ Paula Badosa ends her 2022 season
After withdrawing from the Billie Jean King Cup due to health issues, Paula Badosa took to Instagram to announce that her 2022 season was over.
She remarked that 2022 was a year full of ups and downs. Badosa then proclaimed that she is looking forward to what 2023 has in store for her.
"My 2022 season is over," Badosa said, adding, "A year that has gone through many moments and emotions, where I have lived everything from the best experiences to the worst. But... I have tried to learn from each experience and, above all, come out stronger from them [Had no other option ๐] and where I have learned to prioritize and protect myself as a person."Despite a less-than-perfect year, Badosa has not lost her fighting spirit and is grateful to be sitting at the upper echelons of world tennis.
"I have never lost the enthusiasm or the strength to continue fighting for what I love and want the most. I feel very lucky to experience all the incredible things that I am experiencing. I have had to learn the most and mature by leaps and bounds to continue staying on top," she added.Badosa went on to thank her fans and the people who've stood by her side through thick and thin.
"Luckily I have people by my side who support me in each of those moments... I also have some incredible fans, who are always with me and support me unconditionally. Thank you 2022 for everything you've taught me. 2023 let's see what you have for me."Quick Links
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