The first movie villain Jeffrey Dahmer patterned his yellow-eyed look after was the Gemini killer from “The Exorcist III,” a deceased serial killer inspired in part by the real-life Zodiac killer (via IMDb). In the story, the soul of the Gemini killer possesses others, causing them to commit murder. As Gisela K. writes in her book (via Seventeen), Dahmer watched the movie repeatedly in the months leading up to his arrest.
Referring to the third “Exorcist” movie, Gisela K. wrote (via The U.S. Sun), “[Dahmer] resonated so much with the main antagonist, the Gemini killer, that he bought yellow contact lenses to feel and look like him,” According to, Dahmer reportedly revealed his affinity with the fictional Gemini killer in FBI interviews. “FBI profiler Robert Ressler reasoned that Dahmer’s interest in the movie was about the power the possessed had over the minds and bodies of the rest of the world, and over reality,” she wrote.