Yes, Thermite is classified as a hard breacher in the game Rainbow Six Siege. As a hard breacher, Thermite has the ability to open any reinforced surface in the game, including walls and hatches.
Who is the best hard breacher in R6?
According to the article, Thermite is historically considered one of the most powerful and meta hard breachers in the game. With his two Exothermic Charges, he is capable of opening any hatch or wall in the game. However, some players believe that Ace is a strong competitor to Thermite and may be underrated compared to him.
What is Thermite’s ability?
Thermite uses a unique breaching charge called the Exothermic Charge. This charge, once placed, has the power to blow through any reinforced walls or hatches that the defending team has set up. Thermite has a total of two Exothermic Charges, which can be planted and detonated one at a time.
Is Thermite a good operator?
According to the article, Thermite is considered one of the best operators in the game. He has a strong primary weapon and access to smokes, making him a versatile attacker. In the hands of a skilled support player, Thermite can be a differential operator.
Is Thermite a FBI?
No, Thermite is not affiliated with the FBI in real life. However, in the game Rainbow Six Siege, his backstory states that he served in the Marines and later joined the FBI SWAT after his discharge from the military.
10 minutes of why Thermite is the best hard breacher
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Does the military still use thermite?
Yes, the military still uses thermite grenades for the destruction of vehicles and equipment. Thermite’s high heat renders vehicles and equipment inoperable.
Does the military use thermite?
Yes, thermite has a long history of use by the military. It has been used to disable artillery pieces, including the Gustav Gun in World War II, without the need for explosive charges. Thermite can also be used in incendiary grenades for military operations.
Is thermite better than Semtex?
According to the article, Thermite grenades are considered to be outclassed by Drill Charges and Semtex grenades in terms of lethality. However, Thermite grenades can be effective for area denial purposes.
Who has the same gun as thermite?
The 556xi assault rifle in Rainbow Six Siege is available for use by both Thermite and Osa.
Is thermite a banned weapon?
Thermite is not specifically banned as a weapon unless used against civilian targets. It is primarily used for military purposes.
What is Thermite’s gun in real life?
In the game Rainbow Six Siege, Thermite uses the 556xi assault rifle. In real life, the 556xi is a variant of the SIG SG 556xi introduced in 2014 by Swiss Arms AG.
What is thermites gun?
In Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, Thermite uses the 556xi assault rifle as his primary weapon. The 556xi is known for its reliable performance in the game.
Where did Thermite go to college?
After serving in the Marines and two tours in Iraq, Thermite used his GI Bill money to attend college at Texas A&M. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and later joined the FBI after his military discharge.
Who are hard breachers?
Hard breachers in Rainbow Six Siege are operators who have the ability to open any reinforced surface in the game. Currently, the game features four hard breachers: Thermite, Hibana, Maverick, and Ace.
Is NOKK an attacker or defender?
In Rainbow Six Siege, NOKK is an attacker. She has access to the FMG-9 Submachine Gun and her ability allows her to move silently and undetected by cameras and audio devices.
What’s the worst operator in siege?
According to the article, Clash is considered to be the worst operator in Rainbow Six Siege. Her loadout and traits are off-meta, and she is the least picked operator in the game. Most players prefer quick roamers and entry operators with strong guns.
Is thermite just rust?
Thermite is not just rust, but it does contain iron oxide (rust) as one of its ingredients. The reaction of iron oxide and aluminum in thermite produces a high amount of heat, resulting in the production of molten iron metal.
Is mute a 2 speed?
According to the article, Mute in Rainbow Six Siege is now classified as 3 Speed and 1 Armor operator. This means that he is faster and less armored compared to the previous classification as 2 Speed and 2 Armor operator.
Does mute stop thermite?
Yes, Mute counters Thermite’s Exothermic Charges. Mute’s signal jammers will completely disable the hard breaching tool and prevent Thermite from successfully breaching reinforced walls or hatches.
Can thermite break a gustav gun?
No, the story of how a one-man commando used thermite to disable the Gustav Gun in World War II is made-up. In reality, the Gustav Gun was destroyed by the Germans themselves to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Allied troops.
Why is thermite good?
Thermite is considered a good operator in Rainbow Six Siege because he is an important backline support for attacking teams. His ability to breach reinforced walls and hatches makes him a valuable asset, and his strong primary weapon and access to smoke grenades further enhance his utility and versatility in gameplay.