Smithwick’s is an Irish beer, not English, so don’t be an eejit; say it right: “Smih-dicks”… Not “Smith-Wicks”.Click to see full answer. People also ask, how do you pronounce Pliny the Elder?If one wants to be very correct with respect to the original pronunciation of the word in Classical Latin, we can consider the nomen of Pliny (the Elder or Younger). The former’s full name was “Gaius Plinius Secundus”, for example. In this case, one would pronounce the nomen “plin-EE-uss”, as far as I know.Subsequently, question is, who makes Pliny the Elder? Russian River Brewing Company. Notes: Pliny the Elder is brewed with Amarillo, Centennial, CTZ, and Simcoe hops. Also know, what is the alcohol content of smithwicks? The alcohol content in traditional Smithwick’s is 3.8%, while Smithwick’s Pale Ale comes in at 4.5%. Brewed in individual batches using aromatic Amarillo hops – only the finest, we’re told – 100% pale ale malt and Smithwick’s yeast, it looks more like a dark lager.What did Pliny write?Pliny the Elder, Latin in full Gaius Plinius Secundus, (born 23 ce, Novum Comum, Transpadane Gaul [now in Italy]—died August 24, 79, Stabiae, near Mount Vesuvius), Roman savant and author of the celebrated Natural History, an encyclopaedic work of uneven accuracy that was an authority on scientific matters up to the