From a humanistic point of view , I believe that JETHRO TULL'S ''Cross Eyed Mary'' is a song about a Girl that doesn't get Her kicks from little boys. Anotherwords, She doesn't want to manipulate or screw Them in anyway. She also doesn't want to spoil Their innocence for that matter. From a religious point of view, while ''Aqualung'' is watching through the railings, She rather make it with ''Letching Greys'', because They are older sinful Men in need to confess Their sins to Her. Symbollicaly She represents and sometimes appears to be used as a Prostitute that has been empregnated by Them when absorbing Their sinful nature. On the overall ''Cross Eyed Mary'' does help the faithful poor in need and the rich ones with Their money to give a little more in order to have a healthier humanitarian balance.