Ava Luplow has been involved in An Accident.
Ava Luplow, a high school student in Little Rock, Arkansas, has died in a car.
The Pulaski County Special School District announced on Monday afternoon that two current students and three alumni of Sylvan Hills High School in Sherwood had been killed in a crash over the weekend near Sinclair, Wyoming.
READ MORE;Colton Drushel of Slippery Rock, PA died in car accident on Route 8
The institution’s Facebook page revealed the students’ names to be Susana “Suzy” Prime and Ava Luplow. Recent grads Andrea Prime, Saloman Correa, and Maggie Franco were the three former students.
The Pulaski County Special School District revealed on Monday that five people, including two current and three past students of Sylvan Hills High School in Sherwood, were killed in a crash over the weekend near Sinclair, Wyoming. Current students Susana “Suzy” Prime and Ava Luplow were named in a Facebook post from the institution.
The three recent grads were recognized as Andrea Prime, Saloman Correa, and Maggie Franco.
Pulaski County Special School District said on Monday that five people, including two current students and three alumni of Sylvan Hills High School in Sherwood, were died in a car crash over the weekend near Sinclair, Wyoming.
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