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The Ancient Tomb (Japanese: 古代塚 Ancient Tomb) is a location in Hoenn on Route 120. Registeel resides in the innermost chamber.
On Route 120, to the southwest, is a flight of stairs that lead up to the Ancient Tomb. The Ancient Tomb is a large rock with a small opening that leads into the inside of tomb, along with Registeel. There are six stone pillars surrounding the tomb, three on each side.
To get to Registeel, the Sealed Chamber's puzzle must be completed. Afterward, the ruins can be accessed.
In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the player must use Fly in the middle of the room to open the door inside. The Braille reads: "With new time, hope and love, aim to the sky in the middle."
In Pokémon Emerald, the player must use Flash in the middle of the room. The Braille reads: "Those who inherit our will, shine in the middle."
In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, the player must use Fly in the middle of the room. The Braille reads: "Stand center. Aim to the sky with love and hope and time."
Special encounters
Generation III
A Registeel appears in the back of the cave after solving the Braille puzzle. If run from, it respawns upon leaving the area.
Generation VI

A Registeel appears in the back of the cave after solving the Braille puzzle. If defeated or run from, it respawns after entering the Hall of Fame.
In the manga

Pokémon Adventures
Ruby & Sapphire arc
In The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIII, Drake was stationed at the Ancient Tomb as a part of Steven's plan to unseal the legendary giants. Despite Drake's best efforts to open it, the seal wasn't undone until A Royal Rumble with Regirock, Regice and Registeel II, where Steven figured out the key to unlocking it.
In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Ancient Tomb in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
In other languages
See also